In 1954, 26-year-old Carl Wingard bought a 1,000-gallon oil truck for $600. He worked full-time as a truck driver, but wanted more for his family. He would spend his rare days off going door to door in Blue Ball where he lived, promoting his oil delivery business. He was selling oil for 12 cents a gallon!

Within two years, he bought property in Elverson. And a few years later, he left his job altogether to build up Carl Wingard, Inc. He knew this business meant he would be working hard with long hours. He also knew that homes would be transitioning from burning wood or coal to burning oil, and he wanted to be a part of that change.

Because the company was started with the spirit of innovation and advancement, Carl was always looking for ways to grow his business and serve his customers better. He significantly increased on-site fuel storage capacity and added key-controlled gas pumps. In 1991, he bought out another oil company and added an additional driver. He also introduced card-controlled pumps that replaced the old key system that year.

After almost 35 years of building the business, he handed over the reigns to his sons, Tom and Don Wingard.

In 2023 the Wingard family sought out and found a local community member with similar ideals to continue the legacy. The new ownership looks forward to continuing to serve the community and its customers.

Wingard Fuels was built on an excellent work ethic, dedication, persistence, and community relationships. And those values still hold true for the company today.